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时间:2018-05-30 21:02 作者:mj 点击:


  五年级英语作文:My favorite day

  My favorite day is December 21st, because it is my birthday that day.

  On my birthday, I always have a birthday party at home. I always invite my best friends to my party. As the happiest time for everyone is eating the cake, I always go to the baker's to order a big and delicious cake before the party. At the party, I will make a wish after lighting the birthday candle. In the meantime, my parents and friends will sing a birthday song for me. At last, we’ll enjoy the party.

  After the party, my friends and I always have fun in the backyard. I’ll share my favorite toys with them.

  I can have a lot of fun on my birthday, so I like it best!

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