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时间:2018-06-01 07:04 作者:mj 点击:



  Celebrate The New Year

  Let us all gather round and cheer,

  With a drink of wine or an ice cold beer

  Perhaps you're like me and don't drink the swill,

  Or your like my grandparents who live on pills.

  Maybe this world seems harsh at times,

  Or its just that most of us just like to whine.

  I'd say that this is a great place to be,

  It all depends on how we can see.

  True we've had bad things in the past,

  But we know in our hearts that these will not last.

  If we try our best to be simple and pure,

  There's nothing our hopes and dreams cannot cure.

  So,I don't know the value this is worth,

  But lets all try to be happy and heal Mother Earth!

  Happy New Year!

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