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时间:2018-06-11 07:46 作者:mj 点击:



  Trance, my mind went back to the childhood. I saw a busy figure, that is mother in the hard work; I saw a tired figure, it is mother in weaving woolies for me; I saw a gay, that is mother in the study progress and happy for me.

  Think carefully, in my life, which day again little mother figure? Every time I cry, mother will comfort me; Whenever I feel helpless and helpless like a bird, the mother will open her broad arms, give I warmth and love.

  Once injections in our school, as a result, I faint at the sight of puppy blood. After this noon, mother heard that, said nothing, but did not even eat lunch is hurried to school, I went to the doctor, then mom asks for leave in the hospital with me. At that time, I saw mom is very sad, I do not know why, I also feel a bit sad.

  Another time, my mom and dad bought a big watermelon. At home, also didn't eat, my saliva all out. After the mother cut good melon, gave me the first piece of melon seeds, less a piece of sweet melon meat. But she ate melon seeds, melon meat is not very sweet piece.

  But a mother's love is sometimes harsh. I have been careless bad habits. Once, I at school gym class accidentally lost clothes. Back home, mom severely criticized the my meal. But I know, mother is also very heartache, she didn't want to scold her son, but only in this way, also can be prompted me to get rid of carelessness.






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